In life, it is inevitable that the first step is always the toughest. In order to be successful you have to know within that you are compeletely ready for change.
If you believe that you should be in a different place or point in your life then you must be open and willing to change.
Change is Good. CHANGE is inevitable and bound to happen. If you stick to a goal that you want to achieve, you can accomplish it with a focused mindset.
Keep in your mind that, you can do it so that it can be done. It definitely won't happen overnight but when you work hard at it, it will eventually get done by You.
Only you can change your life, not someone else. So don't expect anyone to do the work for you.
It is almost always seen as hard work to someone who isn't ready or passionate about their goal.
The key thing to succeed is consistency. Life is a series of chapters on your journey.
Realize that where you are now is only temporary for the time being and your goals will manifest when the energy you receive matches the energy you put out!
5 Tips To Remember:
1- Stay hungry (determined)
2- Have and end result goal
3- Be focused
4- Write down a list of goal (1 or more if you choose )
5- Take it seriously (This is for your life)
Life is a school of graduation periods. You get from one grade to the next, then you eventually graduate. This cycle repeats itself all the way through College and beyond.
If you're constantly having the same issues/relationships repeating and showing up in your life, you need to reevaluate what it is that you're doing.
Figure out how your contributing to it and what your role is to keep acquiring these results time and time again.
Since you can only fix/improve yourself and not anyone else. Try to look at what you're doing and make adjustments if you need to in that area.
This is the time you should use to focus on yourself. If you aren't taking accountability for your part, you will be lost on finding a solution because you find it hard to own up to your role.
Never give up on yourself. You must fight til the end. Good luck to all of you. I know you will get there. You just have to know it too!