Did you ever think that you could possibly be reading blogs the wrong way?
I know, you may be thinking it's sort of common sense and not much goes into reading a blog.
This article will show you all the things that you have been missing without even realizing that you are.
Roughly 76% of people across the world do absolutely everything on their phones from checking emails, shopping and reading instead of on a PC/computer.
Roughly 76% of people across the world do absolutely everything on their phones from checking emails, shopping and reading instead of on a PC/computer.
As a result of using cell phones to surf the internet, this is the primary cause and reason for the common mistakes that are explained below.
When reading a blog you must look at the purpose of it in the first place. Nowadays, there are hundreds of thousands of blog writers all across the internet who are writing blogs.
When reading a blog you must look at the purpose of it in the first place. Nowadays, there are hundreds of thousands of blog writers all across the internet who are writing blogs.
Those individuals who are rather creative and passionate can write a whole arsenal of informative things to share.
The topics can seemingly vary and fluctuate to any and anything from...
The possibilities really are endless when it comes to finding topics to write about.
The possibilities really are endless when it comes to finding topics to write about.
Tips To Read Blogs
1- NEVER read a blog in the mobile version. Granted everyone on the Planet uses a cell phone these days but you will never get knowledge that's there for you.
2- ALWAYS read a Blog in Web Version If you're not actually on a computer. Go to the bottom of the page and you'll see where it directs you to access the whole blog.
3- BLOGS are assigned labels which categorize them to be easier to sift through what ever interests you. These can ONLY be seen on ( the top corner) in Full Web version.
4- BLOGGERS take tons of hours for YOU! They supply you with valuable information, links to other sites where you can gain valuable insight which cannot be seen on the mobile version!
5- It WON'T benefit you if you don't even know that your missing something that exists.
So next time you're reading a blog, stop and ask yourself did you check to see if you were on the Web Version and do yourself a favor and tap on it to be switched.
Remember the Mobile Version is the cheap version, the Web Version is the Exclusive Version. I'd much rather be a part of the exclusive information so I can be well informed about certain subjects because I definitely appreciate those who take the time to do things for others. So it's only right that I show my gratitude right back.
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